Industrial Property Rights

ELECTRA TEXTILE  and the group companies of ELECTRA TEXTILE  is the exclusive owner of all the contents of the site which is the property of ELECTRA TEXTILE GIDA SHOES LTD.ŞTİ (“ELECTRA TEXTILE”) and the legal rights, parts and incidentals related to these.


The writing, data, ideas, information, phrases, brands, drawings, designs, marks, slogans,banner etc. expressions found on this page and the intellectual property rights with similar qualities, software, programs, page layout and the presentation of the Site is the property of ELECTRA TEXTILE  or the related establishment(s) licensing ELECTRA TEXTILE .


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ELECTRA TEXTILE  has reserved the right of starting, continuing and finalizing every kind of legal actions and pursuits under all the local and international regulations including the provisions of Intellectual and Art Works Law numbered 5846.